Category Archives: make an impact upon the world

Make the World a Better Place. Leave Your Country and Make a Difference.

Americans have a huge disadvantage in this world and that is this: they understand so little about the rest of the world. Most of the information that Americans digest comes from self-centered sources that feeds the American naval gazing. From the news media to pop culture to its short history, Americans focus largely on themselves. Foreign wars have exposed Americans to the rest of the world, but usually they go in with very little intelligence and the results can be disastrous. It is important for a person to be exposed to multiple cultures instead of just one. Most people around the world are exposed to multiple cultures, but this is especially difficult for the leading superpower of the world. Like the Roman empire, it’s all about Rome. The rest of the world is “just out there”. Sure, Americans travel for holiday to different parts of the world, but that is long enough to hardly know what the coffee tastes like.

Americans have a lot to offer the world. If they would leave the United States and live in another culture, they would reap the following benefits.

10 Reasons why you will benefit from living overseas:

  1. learn new languages
  2. understand different world views
  3. hear how Americans are viewed by other societies
  4. see U.S. politics from a totally different perspective
  5. feel the struggles of people different from themselves
  6. be exposed to new religions
  7. build compassion and new friendships
  8. contribute constructively to needy countries
  9. be ambassadors of peace
  10. learn humility

Obviously there are a lot more benefits for Americans to leave their country, but hopefully in the end by doing so they help make the world a better place.

Build Your Own House or Get an Expert Builder?

Let’s say that you want to build a house. You could do it all by yourself. It could save you a lot of money. You could read a few books to find out how to do it and then make up some blueprints. You could buy some land, cut down the trees and use machinery to cut up the wood into lumber and then start to build yourself a house (whew, that sounds exhausting). Now if you are building it yourself, it is probably not going to be very fancy unless you are an amazingly skilled builder. You will probably make mistakes along the way and have to redo some things or you might find that you forgot to do task A before task B and you have to undo task B to do task A first. Since you have never done this before,  there will be a lot of starts and stops while you figure out what to do next. It will probably be very exhausting work and at times very difficult to do by yourself. There might be things that you could do to the house to make it more energy efficient or comfortable to live in but you would have to know what to look for in order to find out more information about it.  However, not having built a house before, you could easily overlook something important. Assuming you had the money, it would be much easier to hire some experts like an architect or general contractor and tell them what you want and let them design it and find the skilled people to build it. You would end up with a better constructed house, more suited to your needs and it sure would be easier on you than doing all of the physical labor yourself.

Now, isn’t this what we sometimes do with just about every decision in life?  We want to do things on our own. We don’t want anyone’s help. Certainly not their suggestions on how to do it. We want to do it our way. But we have an expert in everything right at our fingertips. His name is God. He says to ask for wisdom and He will give it. This is coming from someone who knows us intimately, knows what will happen in the future and has the power and resources to do whatever He wants. But the trick is doing what He says. Sometimes we don’t want to do it His way. But you can trust Him with everything because He is God. There is no one else who is more trustworthy than him. The trick is asking Him what He wants you to do, and then wait for an answer and his guidance before starting something.

This can also apply to a person’s desire to serve God overseas on a missions trip. Whether it be a short-term missions trip or long-term, it is a very important decision that needs God’s input. Often we are the ones who want to choose the country or ministry activity. But God may have other plans. Maybe He wants you to go and be a witness to radical Muslim fundamentalists in Palestine. That’s what Brother Andrew does of Open Doors International. Or maybe God wants you to go and work in a remote area of Central Asia.  Or He may want you to serve the people in one of the countries around the Mediterranean Sea. How about smuggling Bibles into closed countries? For more information on that, see the following:

Open Doors

Voice of the Martyrs

For opportunities in short and long term missions, see the following:



Adventures in Missions

Operation Mobilization

Creating Worship Music in Al Qaeda’s Backyard.

In the land of frankincense and myrrh not far from Al Qaeda headquarters, three music missionaries spent their Christmas holiday helping new believers record their first Christian worship songs. Included on the historic recording were women’s voices, something that almost never happens in that Muslim nation. One of the fathers could identify his girls’ voices and feared that persecution for his entire family could result if the girls were identified. Children’s voices were added to obscure the female tracks.

Some of the concepts in the songs were also obscure. So a foreign missionary who was fluent in Arabic helped strengthen the lyrics, even preserving the Arabic rhythm and rhyme. His comment:

“These first worship songs will help shape the theology of this nation. We must get the lyrics clear.”

This month, in a few scattered homes in the poorest of all Arab nations, handfuls of believers will celebrate the Savior for the first time with indigenous songs in their own dialect. One day at the Throne all redeemed humanity may include worship songs like those birthed near Al Qaeda headquarters as part of the doxologies of eternity.

Produced by the ministry Heart Sounds International.

North Korean Girl Gives Stunning Testimony at Lausanne Conference.

At the 2010 Lausanne Conference in South Africa, a stirring testimony was given by a young girl from North Korea.  There are over 200,000 North Korean Christians currently in prison inside this nation. Watch this video and consider how you can help.

Open Doors, the organization founded by Brother Andrew, provides scriptures and aid to North Korea.

Buy an Arabic Bible for an Iraqi Muslim for Christmas. $2 Delivered. (Or would you rather deliver it yourself?)

Hassan, an Iraqi, received a New Testament while in prison in his country. As a conservative Muslim, he would never have accepted it before, but in prison he read it straight through.

Then one night, Hassan dreamed about Jesus. In the dream, Jesus told Hassan, “I will set you free from this prison and help you to follow me.” In recent years, there have been many reports of Muslims having dreams about Jesus and then wanting to know more about Him.

Hassan was indeed freed from prison and had a strong desire to know more about the Gospel. Eventually, after studying God’s Word, he committed his life to Jesus. And then his wife and children and even his nephew all made the same decision!

God’s Word changes lives. You can help impact more Iraqis by putting Bibles into their hands. Right now a donation of just $2 will purchase a Bible for an Iraqi Muslim. You can also help purchase other Christian materials such as evangelistic DVDs and booklets.

Please consider joining us as we seek to help the “Hassans” of the Middle East come to know the One who can truly set them free.

You can donate securely on-line here, through a secure web site at Operation Mobilization.

Give the best Christmas present!

How to Finish Well in Your Career and Life.

We all want to some day look back on our lives and be pleased with how we lived. But in order to be able to do that, you need to put into practice now certain actions that will produce the results that will make you pleased. If you are a God-fearing person, then you also want your Maker to be pleased with how you spent the time He gave you to breathe on this earth. Were you a good steward of your time and resources? Here are a few tips on how to end well in life.

1. Focus on what is eternally important. Be a person who “walks in the light” and seeks to do good and avoid evil.

2. Read God’s word as a manual for life. Without a road map, you will be lost.

3. Trust God. When things seem like they are spinning out of control (or even when everything seems fine) remember that you will find true peace with God when you trust Him. Peace with God results in peace with yourself and others.

4. If you are married, love your spouse. If you are single, serve others.

5. Make right decisions and choices. Again, you’ll need God’s help and advice from good people. The Bible will also be a good source to help you make wise decisions.

6. Have a clear conscience before God. You know what you have done that is wrong, and so does God. Confess your sins and seek His forgiveness. Some day we will all stand before Him to give an account of our lives.

For the true believer, this is something to look forward to. Death is a door to REAL LIVING. It is a time to celebrate. Are you preparing for eternity? Use your time and resources to spread the knowledge of God and salvation through Jesus Christ throughout the world. Support missionaries, go on a missions trip yourself, help the poor, hand out Bibles, teach, preach, assist the weak, give hope to the hopeless, and share the love of Jesus with the world.

Factors Affecting Evangelical Christianity Around the World.

1.  Growing evangelical nominalism around the world.

2.  Second generation evangelicals are now amongst the previously unevangelized.

3.  Independent evangelical house churches on the rise.

4.  Unaffiliated evangelicals – they don’t link with any church.

5.  Evangelicals within mainline churches.

6.  Evangelical syncretism – post modern secular materialism infiltration.

7.  Insider movements – they are evangelical but remain within the religious framework of their culture’s religion.

The Challenge of the Unevanglized

1.  Where are they located?  Most are in southeast Asia and in rural areas.

2.  The unevangelized are growing in number.

3.  The main missional need is the undeniable cry for more short-term and long term missionaries!

Major Demographic Shifts

There is huge population growth in our world today. Asian provinces and states are exploding. They are becoming vast unreached “nations” in their own right. Recent religious growth and decline have become more closely related to fertility rather than proselytism.

The Impact of Immigration

Immigration is modernity’s greatest challenge. It is inevitable and unstoppable.

The Myth of Urban Evanglization

Most countries in the 10/40 window have huge rural populations. Only in 2009 did the world population flip to 50% residing in urban areas. Asia is the largest unevangelized region and most people still live in rural areas. This should help shape our world evanglization strategies. We can’t neglect the rural areas as missionaries tend to flock to urban areas.

Countries with the Fastest Growth in Christianity

1. Iran

2. Afghanistan

3. Gambia

4. Cambodia

Largest Countries with the Fewest Christians

1. China

2. India

3. Bangladesh

4. Indonesia

5. Turkey

6. Iran

7. Japan

The greatest need today for missionaries is in rural areas of southeast Asia. Who will go?  Look for long and short term missions trips at:

Largest Muslim Populations

Highest Christian Population

Evangelical Population

Unreached Peoples

source: Operation World

Challenge the Next Generations into Missions!

Is the next American generation loosing their sense of adventure? Are they too comfortable? Are we afraid to put them out in that dangerous world? Maybe what we need to do in our churches is challenge them at a very young age. Do a missions presentation and then challenge them to stand up and make a commitment. Start with the 6 year old’s. They’ll never forget the physical response they gave to the challenge.  Recently at two churches, a challenge to missions was made, one to a group of kids in NJ, the other in GA. Twenty two children ages 6-12 stood up and responded to the challenge. Then they were prayed for. Do you think they’ll ever forget their response to the call? Here comes the next generation!

Challenge the next generation into missions at a young age!

Rapper for Jesus Has High Hopes

Abel Fokoe is 18 years old and was born in Liberia. During the civil war in 2006, he was separated from his biological mother while fleeing to Ghana with his siblings. He now lives in Sweden with his father where Abel attends high school.  “Sometimes I feel bad at school,” says Abel, “as I haven’t seen my mother since the war, and really miss her.  I return home to read the Bible and relax.  I sometimes go to a Christian friend to talk and pray things through, or write songs to express my feelings and pain, and what God has done for me.  It’s a good alternative to cursing,” he adds.

Abel started listening to hiphop and Christian rap when he arrived in Sweden, and decided to try his hand at writing his own songs. He is often invited to sing at churches or youth events, and is able to explain his life story through songs he has written himself. “I like to go to church,” says Abel. “I’m a Christian and I love God. Even if I have other problems in my life, I love to be in the presence of God.”

Although Abel was baptised as a child, he asked his friend Martin to re-dedicate him to God two years ago. “After the service,” continues Abel, “I decided to write music as a means to tell the world of God’s love, because that is what He has told us to do. There are many Muslims where I live, and rap is a great way to communicate in a way they can understand.”

Many people have commented on Abel’s talent, and say he should pursue a career in Christian music. Abel’s father wants him to live with his uncle in the States, but Abel is not sure whether he wants to make music his lifestyle. It is hard to live on! Abel still has a photo of his mother, and hopes to return to Liberia one day to find her.

Become an Online Missionary and Reach the World!

Christians are given a commission to tell the world about Jesus.  Many people in the church today pray for the spread of the Gospel, some give financially and a few go into world missions.  There is a new way for Christians to get involved in missions.  Global Media Outreach, a ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ, is using technology to reach people with the Gospel.  According to Google, every month more than 55 million people around the world type the word “Jesus” into an internet search engine.  Global Outreach Media has many web sites in various languages that enables seekers to get more information.  Thousands of people visit these web sites every day looking for answers to their spiritual questions.

By taking 5-10 minutes to answer an email, you can become an online missionary and minister to someone in Iran, Japan, India, or China!  If you can write an email, you can be a missionary right from your home!  Global Media Outreach currently has 5,000 online missionaries, but in the next 12 months, they need to double that amount.

Go to for more information.  On this site (or at you can also watch live, a map showing you where people from around the world are currently on the sites seeking information about Jesus!  How cool is that?

They also have a video that can be shown to a church group explaining the use of technology to reach the world for Christ.

It’s simple to sign up and become an online missionary. Check it out!

Short Sale Ethics, Strategic Defaults, and the Bible: What you need to know.

If a person desires to make a geographical move, whatever the motive, and has a house to sell and the house is worth less now than it was when it was purchased, is it ethical for that person to arrange for a short sale? Who has to “eat” the losses that result in a short sale? With the rapid rise of short sales in the United States, the question is rising in the minds of many, “Is it ethical?”  Can I simply walk away from my debts? What do I need to know? What are the ethics of a short sale? How do I feel about this?  Will I feel guilty years from now? Will it be a dark cloud that hangs over my head? Will it ruin my reputation? What about my credit score? How will it affect my chances of getting a job in the future?

All of these questions have multiple answers depending on who you talk to. Years from now, psychologists may be busy counseling people who walked away from debt when they were younger but then live to regret it when they are older. So what is the answer regarding a short sale or a strategic default. Is it ethical?

Whether you are a buyer, seller, real estate agent, lender, or curious tax payer, you must find an answer to this question. The best place to look to find the correct answer is to look at a written code of ethics. You can find many books written on ethics. One of the best books just happens to be the Bible. The Bible has a lot to say about money and debt. Jesus talked a lot about money. He recognized the fact that it is an important issue. So what does the Bible say on this subject of “short sales”?

“Who may stay in God’s temple or live on the holy mountain of the LORD? Only those who obey God and do as they should. And they keep their promises, no matter what the cost.  Psalm 15:1,2,4b CEV

One could look at this verse as saying, “A righteous man keeps his promises, even if it ruins him.” When someone signs a contract to pay a certain sum of money, that is a promise. That contract and debt could be for a car, house, education, or personal loan from a family member or friend. The word “ruin” here obviously refers to financial ruin or the ruin of a person’s reputation.

What do you deduct from these verses? Should a person, regardless if they are Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, atheist, or any other world faith engage in an attempt to rid themselves of a financial obligation through a short sale? What if they even have the financial means by which to cover the debt but their financial adviser tells them to do a short sale and hold onto their investments?

What about a Christian who feels called into the ministry and needs to make a move and sell a house that is worth less than they paid for it? What do the scriptures say about the action that person should take? A Christian especially, should uphold the reputation of his faith by fulfilling his promises – large or small.

Although legal, is the implementation of a strategic default ethical? Was the signing of a mortgage agreement a promise to pay a debt regardless of the value of your house if it went up or down? What would Jesus do? Would he walk away from his debts?

Luke 16:10 says, “Anyone who can be trusted in little matters can also be trusted in important matters. But anyone who is dishonest in little matters will be dishonest in important matters.” CEV

Should a Christian short sale their home?

What do you think? Leave a comment.

Your World View, Society, and Living in Different Cultures

Your World View, Society, and Living in Different Cultures

What is a “world view“?  It is the lens through which a person sees his surroundings. They are the beliefs about the limits and workings of the world shared by the members of a society and represented in their myths, lore, ceremonies, social conduct, and general values.

There are three types of world views.

Continue reading

How to Keep your Passion for Jesus and World Missions

As Christians we want to be continuously growing in our passion for knowing and becoming more like Jesus. But how do we do this with the busyness and hardships of life? And, on top of that, we’re supposed to maintain our passion for reaching those who don’t know Jesus – even those on the other side of the world. How do we maintain our passion for world missions?

1. Embrace a humility that doesn’t need to control life.

2. Stay emotionally engaged in the lives of people, even if it means helping to carry their hardships.

3. Stay steadfast in your core commitment.

4. Resolve to finish well – staying faithful to Jesus until the end.

5. Keep informed about what God is doing around the world. (You won’t get it through CNN or Fox News) Sign up for updates from missions news web sites such as Mission Network News.

6. Go on a short-term missions trip and support missionaries through prayer and finances.

How to Make Dreams Become a Reality.

Everyone has dreams of what they would like to do in life, where they would like to live, and how they would like to spend their free time. Some people even have a strong vision.  However it is one thing to have a vision, an another thing to put it into action. Do you have the initiative to get things going? If not, try these simple steps and they will help you turn your dreams into visions and ultimately into reality.

Continue reading

Human Rights Violated: Sex Trafficking of Children

Sex trafficking in India has grown in recent years. Often children are involved in this activity and not by choice. Most are tricked, forced or sold into prostitution. There are an estimated 300,000 children who are involved in India’s sex trade. Daughters, sisters, children – involved in prostitution and robbed of their childhood. They are betrayed, trapped and “for sale”.

Various organizations are working with local authorities to take action in rescuing minors from prostitution. The girls are removed from the brothels and then brought to “safe homes”. Court cases are then brought against the owners of the brothels.

No effort of love or justice is wasted. God loves these little girls. Jesus died for them. You can help. Learn more by going to the web sites below:

Freedom Firm

Human Trafficking

International Justice Mission

Christian Martyrs still have a Voice

Music video for Bill Drake’s song, “Wear the Crown” made by Voice of the Martyrs.

Written in response to the martyrdom of Christian missionary Bonnie Witherall whose story you can read below the video.

Bonnie and her husband, Gary were serving the Lord in Sidon, Lebanon with Operation Mobilization. As a nurse, Bonnie’s primary ministry was helping in a clinic, giving pre- and post-natal care to women from a nearby refugee camp. In the process of learning the Arabic language, Bonnie was able to communicate well with the Muslim women who came to the clinic. When words did fail, her warm, sunny smile and sparkling eyes conveyed her love and compassion across all cultural and linguistic barriers.

On the morning of November 21, 2002, Bonnie went to the clinic. Gary was awakened by the ringing telephone. The voice on the other end was barely coherent. All Gary could grasp was that something terrible had happened and that he needed to get to the clinic right away.
Gary arrived at the clinic and was gang-tackled by two soldiers and he was forced into the next room. All he had seen was a glimpse of his wife’s legs through the clinic door. There could be no doubt that Bonnie was dead. Someone had followed Bonnie as she unlocked the clinic door that morning and had shot her three times in the head at point-blank range. As Gary lay on the floor in shock and grief, he heard the Lord say, “A seed has been planted in your heart today. It is a seed that will turn from anger to hatred or from forgiveness to love. You need to choose.” Lying there in a living nightmare, Gary whispered to the Lord, “I surrender all to You,” over and over again. In that instant Gary chose forgiveness over hatred, and the Lord gave him unprecedented opportunity to appear on national television in Lebanon and proclaim forgiveness to his wife’s murderer.

For a free “Wear the Crowns” CD, please email name and address to OM Arts at:

World Drinking Water Facts

The following are facts regarding the global water situation. The availability and usage of water portends to be an issue that will present

Trends in Christian World Missions

The Changing Face of Christian Missions

Until 1980 most Christian missionaries came from western nations. But as the church has begun to grow rapidly in Latin America, Southern Africa and parts of Asia, countries that once received missionaries are catching the vision to be sending countries. One region of the world that these countries are sending missionaries to is the Muslim world. These missionaries are active in discipleship, literature distribution and church planting. They are also welcoming short term missions teams and groups and exposing people to the work of God. 

Helping Fulfill the Great Commission

The international Christian mission organization, Operation Mobilization (OM), has been committed to mobilizing Christians from all nations to fulfill the Great Commission. The historic change in the world missions’ movement gave even greater momentum to OM’s efforts to reflect the diversity of the body of Christ.

By 1999, South Korea and India joined the USA and the UK as the largest missionary sending nations in the world. Today a large percentage of missionaries being sent out now come from new sending nations.

Missionaries and Christian mission agencies are empowering and supporting churches in these regions as they reach their own nations and encouraging them in their participation in world missions.

Morocco Needs Christian Missionaries. You can be one!

Morocco is a fascinating and exotic country full of surprises at every turn. You’ll love exploring the market places, shopping in the bazaars, talking to friendly merchants, meeting families and being welcomed into their homes, and sipping on mint tea in one of their many cafes.

Morocco needs vibrant witnesses for Jesus who will live amongst the people and share with them the knowledge of Jesus as Savior. Will you go? Will you go and tell the people about Morocco that someone died for their sins and that they can have assurance of going to heaven? Will you tell them where you have found real peace with God? Tell them your personal testimony of how your life was changed when you decided to follow Jesus. Tell them who Jesus is. Show them who Jesus is with your life. Millions of Muslims are searching for truth. Put it into their hands. Let them decide, but give them a chance to explore the message of salvation.  Pray for the country of Morocco. Pray for king Mohamed VI. Pray for his family pictured below. Pray for the Muslim peoples.

Consider being a messenger of hope and truth to this wonderful nation of friendly people. Consider going on a short-term missions trip or pray about career missions. Join a team of international people interested in reaching Morocco with the Gospel. The following Christian mission agencies work in this country and can help you get there.

King Mohammed IV of Morocco

For Christian missions trips to Morocco for 12+ months, contact:

Adventures in Missions

For a list of short-term missions trips, click on the following:

Adventures in Missions

Operation Mobilization

Teaching on a Missions Trip May Surprise You.

I’m sure that you’ve already touched a number of lives.  That’s why I decided to get involved in missions, to touch lives and proclaim the name of Jesus. I’ve spent the last seven months traveling in two different Muslim countries seeking to spread the Gospel. Many nights were spent in the homes of friends I made along the way. Countless hours were spent on the streets meeting people with the hope of sharing the gospel. God has definitely been at work during the travels but not always in the way I’d expected.

I came to teach and feel as though I’ve been taught. God taught me of His provision when I was sick on top of a mountain many kilometers away from the nearest town. He taught me to give thanks in all situations when nothing went as planned but turned out to be better than planned.  I’ve learned to give up the control I seek in life and let Him have control. I’ve learned to be content with what I have which, in some cases, is not very much. I’ve learned to be bold and to step out of comfort zones. Through it all I’ve learned more about the character of God and He has become alive in my life in a way that I’ve never experienced before. My hope is that I’ve also been able to teach others along the way through my words and actions and that God comes alive in their lives as well.

– A young missionary on his two year missions trip.

Helping Women in India

Operation Mobilization has a huge work in India.

1. Church planting among the unreached

2. Schools for the Dalits (lowest class)

3. Empowerment of women

Watch the video below and be inspired to pray, go or give financially to reaching women with the Gospel!

Click here to read more about OM’s work in India

Being Christ to African Migrants in Spain

Every Monday in Valencia, Spain, a church team visits an empty warehouse where over 80 Africans ‘camp’ waiting for an opportunity to work. Through friendship and practical help, the church team tries to support them however possible. A sudden phone call one day interrupted one of the volunteers – one of the immigrants had been beaten up and needed to go to hospital. “Sighing, I switched off my computer, and set off with them,” said the volunteer. “But we soon realized that he hadn’t been beaten up—he’d overdosed and fallen, badly damaging his head. We waited four hours at the hospital during his treated. Wasted time? No! We had a really good talk with the man, and he agreed to go to a Christian Rehabilitation Center the following day.” A few days later, the volunteer was on his way home from a church meeting and thought he would quickly call in at a local park to bring some homeless people leftover bread. One man rushed up to him with a New Testament in his hand.

“Now I see that what you are doing here is exactly what Jesus did, and I want to know Jesus too! Can you take me to a place where I can learn more about Him, and come clean of drugs and alcohol?” he exclaimed.

Missionaries Needed to Distribute God’s Word in Morocco and other Muslim Countries.

Hussein, an Iraqi, received a New Testament while in prison in his country. As a conservative Muslim, he would never have accepted it before, but in prison he read straight through. Then, one night, Hussein dreamed about Jesus. In the dream, Jesus told Hussein, “I will set you free from this prison and help you to follow me.” In recent years, there have been many reports of Muslims having dreams about Jesus and wanting to know more about Him. Hussein was indeed freed from prison and had a strong desire to know more about the Gospel. Eventually, after studying God’s word, he committed his life to Jesus. And then his wife and children and even his nephew all made the same decision!

Various organizations are raising funds to purchase Arabic Bibles. They are also mobilizing people to distribute those Bibles in some of the most difficult places and amongst some of the world’s most remote unreached people groups.

Click here to find out how you can make an impact!

Also, if you are interested in becoming a missionary to Morocco, Adventures in Missions can help you on your journey. See their 12+ month missions to Morocco program!

In India, he’s labeled as “untouchable”. What do you think?


Make cast history.

You can help.

More than 15,000 of the poorest children in India, from the severely oppressed Dalit people, known as “outcasts,” have hope for the future. Education would normally be out of reach for them, but they are students in OM’s nearly 100 Dalit schools. The English-based education offers them future job opportunities that would otherwise be impossible. In addition, the students take what they learn in school about God and His love and share it with their families at home.

But many of these children are from families who don’t have enough money to provide lunch for the school day. A good education is available at no cost, but the children are hungry and undernourished. Approximately 50% of India’s children suffer from malnutrition, and most of those are among the Dalits.

Operation Mobilization USA is addressing this need with a new program which will provide a healthy meal to the children who cannot bring lunch to school. And a generous supporter is matching gifts given for this so that the amount is doubled–and the impact is doubled.

Your gift of $25 will be matched and become $50. And that $50 will feed a child for an entire school year–200 days! Gifts of any amount will be doubled. $50 becomes $100 and feeds two children!

Click here to make your donation today!